August 1, 2011
Encyclopaedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

B O Boskovic et al, Carbon Nanomaterial Synthesis by Chemical Vapor Deposition, Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol 12, 2011, 109-135
The second edition of the Encyclopaedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology has been published by the American Scientific Publishers earlier this year. In this editon a chapter about Carbon Nanomaterial Synthesis by Chemical Vapour Deposition with Dr Bojan Boskovic from the Cambridge Nanomaterials Technology Ltd (CNT Ltd) as the first author has been published in the Volume 12 (pages 109-135).
The first edition of the Encyclopaedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 10-Volume Set, (Edited by H. S. Nalwa, Foreword by Professor Richard E. Smalley, Nobel Prize Laureate, Endorsed by Professor Jean-Marie Lehn, Nobel Prize Laureate) that appeared in 2004 received the “2005 Best Reference Work Award” of the American Society for Engineering Education (USA) and “2005 Outstanding Academic Title” by the CHOICE magazine from the American Library Association (USA). With the addition of new 15 volumes, the entire edition’s 25 volumes now contains over 710 review chapters (nearly 300 of which are brand new), contributed by over 2,000 of the world’s leading scientists from top-notch academic and industrial institutions worldwide. The 25 volumes of encyclopaedia now contains approximately over 700 articles, 150,000 bibliographic citations and thousands of illustrations, figures, tables, and equations covering over 22,000 pages which hundreds of images/figures/illustrations in colour.
The 25-volume set contains the largest number of state-of-the-art review chapters ever published in the world in the field of nanotechnology. Each chapter is fully cross-referenced, introducing some of the most important nanotechnologies under development today.
Please follow the link to the American Scientific Publishers website to find out more about the encyclopaedia: